York County Criminal Defense Lawyers

If you have been charged with a crime in Pennsylvania, you know all too well how frightening and shocking an experience it can be. Aside from the potential formal penalties you face, a criminal conviction can cause a lifetime of informal consequences. A criminal record can impact you financial future due to large employers near ubiquitous use of background checks in the employment process. An experienced criminal defense attorney can improve your chances of successfully defending against these charges. With more than 30 years of combined experience you can rest assured that your matter is being handled aggressively. Further, because our attorneys are former prosecutors and even a former Senior Deputy District Attorney we can anticipate what the prosecutor is looking for and how to defend you against it.
Handling a Broad-Array of Serious Crimes for those Arrested in York County
With our years of experience, we have had the privilege of defending clients against numerous charges. We can defend you against drug charges including:
- Possession – Simply having a controlled substance on your person is a criminal offense. In Pennsylvania a first offense for possession of a narcotic like heroin, cocaine, or meth can be punished by up to $5,000 in fines and up to 1 year in jail. For marijuana possession, provided the amount is less than 30 grams, up to 30 days in jail and up to a $500 fine can be imposed.
- Manufacture or Cultivation – For cultivation of a total of less than 1,000 pounds of marijuana, Pennsylvania law can impose a 5 year prison sentence. The manufacture of other hard drugs can carry even more serious penalties.
- Drug Paraphernalia – Drug paraphernalia charge are often made together with possession charges. The list of potentially illegal items is broad including every day household items such as: razors, plastic bags, zip lock bags, scales, and spoons in certain circumstances. However sometimes the circumstances are misunderstood resulting in paraphernalia charges alone.
Our representation is not limited to drug-related matters. We also defend people from charges of common crimes and violent crimes. For those who have been charged with murder in Pennsylvania, whether it be premeditated or a death that occurred during the commission of a felony, should not delay in selecting an attorney. For murder, the death penalty is still a potential punishment.
If you have been charged with assault theft, robbery, arson, or another crime, we may be able to reduce the charges you face. Should the matter proceed, we defend you aggressively every step of the way.

White Collar Crimes Representation
White collar crimes are crimes that involve a scheme of dishonesty to make money. Because white collar crimes are crimes that involve dishonesty, even the allegations of these offenses can damage your reputation and harm you financially. In some instances it can be accusations of fraud stemming from an alleged failure to make necessary disclosures. In other instances, you could be charged with using advance or insider information to make money on a stock or other regulated fund. Charges of Medicare or insurance fraud for receiving payments for service not rendered or lying about a procedure are also not uncommon. We can provide experienced steadfast representation against charges of white collar crime.
If you have been charged with a serious crime, don’t delay in calling us. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us at 1-(609) 755-3115 or contact us online.