
3 Day Sentence for Multiple DUIs
H.T. had two DUI’s pending; one in Montgomery County, and the other in Bucks County. Attorney Marr was able to handle the cases in such a way, that both offenses were treated as first offenses, and H.T. only had to serve 3 days in jail and 3 days on house arrest without an actual ankle monitor. H.T. was looking at a mandatory 3 days to 6 months, as well as a mandatory 90 days to 5 years in jail!
Not Guilty on Assault Charges
20 years of age with no prior criminal record, Mr. Mallis’s client was charged with simple assault against two of his neighbors who lived in an apartment unit below his. Faced with the possibility of jail time, Mr. Mallis and his client took the case to trial where Mr. Mallis was able to show that his client acted in complete self-defense. Not only was it shown that there was a longstanding “feud” between the neighbors, Mr. Mallis retrieved video surveillance footage of the incident and was able to show that his client was attacked first. After a two-day trial, Mr. Mallis’s client was found NOT GUILTY of all charges.
Not Guilty on Gun Charges in Philadelphia
After an unannounced visit from a parole agent, Mr. Mallis’s client was charged with unlawful possession of two firearms. The parole agent had searched Mr. Mallis’s client’s home and found two assault style rifles in the bedroom where Mr. Mallis’s client was living. Facing a state parole violation if convicted, Mr. Mallis and his client went to trial where Mr. Mallis was able to show that the rifles were hidden behind a door and therefore his client had no knowledge that the rifles were inside of the bedroom. After a three-hour bench trial, Mr. Mallis’s client was found NOT GUILTY. As a result, Mr. Mallis’s client avoided a state parole violation.
Drug Charges Dismissed in Bucks County
Mr. Mallis’s client was found driving a vehicle that was involved in a major drug sting operated by the Pennsylvania State Police. At the time of the vehicle stop, police found over 2 kilograms of cocaine inside of the trunk along with multiple firearms, cash and plastic bags. Mr. Mallis’s client was charged with possession with intent to deliver. On the eve before trial, the Commonwealth offered Mr. Mallis and his client 1-2 years in a state correctional facility. They rejected the offer. After a day’s long suppression hearing, Mr. Mallis was able to show that police did not have probable cause to search the vehicle. The charges were dismissed; no jail time; no conviction.
Not Guilty on Resisting Arrest Charges
Having missed a court appearance for a totally separate and insignificant case, Mr. Mallis’s client voluntarily turned himself into the Northampton County Sheriff’s Department to get a bench warrant lifted. Rather than taking his client to the courtroom upstairs in order to have the warrant lifted, 4 armed deputies attempted to take Mr. Mallis’s client into custody. In doing so, Mr. Mallis’s client sustained a rotator cuff injury to his left shoulder. Despite this fact, Mr. Mallis’s client was charged with resisting arrest and related offenses. After a 4-day jury trial which involved video evidence, Mr. Mallis’s client was found NOT GUILTY of all charges. Mr. Mallis was able to show that his client’s arrest was unlawful and that police used excessive force. Mr. Mallis’s client walked away clear of all charges.
Not Guilty for Third-Offense DUI
Mr. Mallis’s client was charged with a third-offense DUI where police alleged that his client was driving under the influence of drugs. After having examined the blood test results, however, Mr. Mallis discovered that his client had prescription medication in his blood. Despite this fact, police believed that Mr. Mallis’s client was still driving under the influence. Rather than accepting a plea deal to house arrest, Mr. Mallis and his client took the case to trial wherein Mr. Mallis was able to show that his client’s blood levels were consistent with his prescription use and therefore his client was not driving under the influence. At the conclusion of a two-day jury trial, Mr. Mallis’s client was found NOT GUILTY.
Domestic Violence Charges Thrown Out
Mr. Mallis’s client was charged with felony assault charges wherein police alleged that he strangled his girlfriend. Through vigorous cross-examination, Mr. Mallis showed that the victim was lying to police: the victim waited 4 months to file a police report; there were no photographs of injuries; no hospitalization; no witnesses; no 911 call. A simple “he said, she said” case. After the preliminary hearing, all charges were dismissed and Mr. Mallis’s client was released from prison.
1 Year Probation Instead of 7 Years of Jail
K.J. was charged with stalking as a felony in Lehigh County. Attorney Marr through negotiation with the ADA, was able to get the charged reduced to a Misdemeanor third degree with one year of probation as opposed to a felony and 7 years of potential jail time.
DUI Charges Dropped and ARD
Husband and Wife were both charged with DUI for an incident where the police believed Husband was driving before the accident and Wife moved the care, in violation of the DUI laws, after the accident. Husband has a prior record of DUI’s and was looking at significant jail time if convicted. The matter was resolved by all charges being dropped against Husband, and Wife entered into the ARD program for a period of 6 months.
All Charges Dismissed
A.B. and M.N. were both charged with criminal trespass. After a hearing before the District Court, Attorney Marr prevailed and all charges were dismissed for both clients, saving them from fines, costs, possible jail time and a criminal record!
22 Months Instead of 5-10 Years
C.W. was a middle-aged woman charged with drug delivery resulting in death. Her sentencing guidelines called for 5 to 10 years in the standard range, and as a result of the efforts of Attorney Marr, and the response of the Court, she received a sentence that only required her to serve 22 and ½ months, and she is now back home with her family!
Acquittal on felony armed robbery charges in Bucks County
Client was charged in Bucks County with armed robbery, witness intimidation, kidnapping and related felony charges. After a four-day jury trial, the client was acquitted of the most serious felony charges and released from prison. Through vigorous cross-examination, Mr. Mallis was able to successfully show that the Commonwealth’s “star” witness’s testimony was riddled with lies. “The Commonwealth’s ultimate obligation in a criminal prosecution is to seek justice and truth,” argued Mallis before the jury. Mallis went on to say that the Commonwealth shirked that obligation with respect to his client, and “the jury was able to clearly see through all of the so-called ‘star’ witness’s lies and deceit.”
Release from Prison on Conspiracy to Commit Murder Charges in Philadelphia
Young and having zero prior contacts with the criminal justice system, Mr. Mallis’s client was charged in Philadelphia County with conspiracy to commit attempted murder. After having reviewed hundreds of police reports, transcripts and witness statements, Mr. Mallis was able to show the prosecutor how unreliable their case was with respect to his client. Their entire case, according to Mallis, rested on the testimony of co-defendants who were convicted liars and thieves. “My client wasn’t even present at the scene of the shooting,” exclaimed Mallis to a reporter of the Legal Intelligencer. Mr. Mallis was able to secure a favorable outcome for his client which enabled the client to an immediate release from prison. According to the client’s father, “My kid was facing some serious charges. Because of Paul, my kid is home for the Holidays.”
A Greatly Reduced Sentencing
M.S. was charged with Possessing a Firearm as a person not to possess. The sentencing guidelines were such that he was looking at a state sentence of incarceration of 5 to 10 years. Attorney Marr was able to present mitigating factors to the Court, and he received a county sentence of 12 months less one day to 24 months less 2 days. This was a deviation from the sentencing guidelines that had never been done in that county or by that judge before that case!
Dismissal of Unlawful Drug Possession Charges in Montgomery County
After having been stopped by the police for speeding, Mr. Mallis’s client was found to be in possession of narcotics medication. The police charged Mr. Mallis’s client with unlawful drug possession in Montgomery County. After a short trial by judge, Mr. Mallis was able to successfully show that his client was prescribed the medication during the time of arrest. Accordingly, all charges were dismissed, and the client was found NOT guilty.
Obtained Work Release for Charges Related to 3 Separate DUIs
A client charged with 3 DUIs in 2 different counties over the period of one year was able to serve only 90 days on work release even though all 3 cases were highest tier DUIs subjecting the client to a one year mandatory, 90-day mandatory and 72 hour mandatory. One case even involved a serious accident. The client was able to maintain her employment throughout the process.
Dismissal of 2nd Offense DUI Charges in York County
“Client was facing 90 days minimum imprisonment for a 2nd offense DUI. Case was dismissed at the Preliminary Hearing when the officer was unable to prove that the client operated the vehicle.”
Obtained House Arrest Instead of 3-6 Year Prison Term for Felony Drug Charges
“Client was charged with felony Delivery of drugs and illegal gun possession and was facing a mandatory 3-6 year prison sentence in the State prison system. Client was sentenced to one year of house arrest.”
Dismissal of Retail Theft Charges for College Student
College student gets charged with retail theft. Our firm convinces both the police officer and the loss personnel representative from the store to approve dismissal of the charges in exchange for 20 hours of community service. The case never goes to common pleas court and the client never has to be processed and fingerprinted.
Withdrawl of DUI and Possession of False ID Charges
19 year old charged with DUI and possessing a false identification card. Although client was ARD eligible for the DUI, we were able to present the law to the police officer and District attorney and they agreed to withdraw the DUI and client received ARD for the false ID. No loss of license and no “first offense DUI/ARD saving thousands of dollars in costs and fees. S.T. 2018
Dismissal of DUI Charges
Client charged with DUI after a traffic stop for what the state trooper said was failure to use a turn signal. After a rigorous cross-examination of the Trooper at the Preliminary Hearing, getting him to admit the traffic stop was due to his suspicion that the driver of the vehicle was DUI suspended and proving there was no turn signal violation, the charges were dismissed via a motion to suppress.
Dismissal of Domestic Simple Assault Charges
Client was charged with simple assault, domestic. After a hearing where evidence and testimony was presented, the entire case was dismissed by Judge Leonard Brown.
Firearm ruled INADMISSIBLE at trial after police conduct unlawful vehicle search
Having been stopped for a routine traffic violation, police unlawfully impounded Mr. Mallis’s client’s vehicle whereby they performed a warrantless search and discovered a firearm inside. Mr. Mallis filed a motion to suppress the firearm arguing that the search was unlawful. More specifically, Mr. Mallis argued that there was no basis in law to impound his client’s vehicle thereby subjecting it to an “inventory” search. Mr. Mallis pointed out to the Court that this was a routine traffic violation, and his client had the lawful right to drive the vehicle away from the scene of the investigation. The Court agreed: “This was nothing short of a police-attempt to gain access to a vehicle without securing a proper search warrant.” Accordingly, the Court ruled that the firearm inside of Mr. Mallis’s client’s vehicle was unlawfully obtained and therefore INADMISSIBLE at trial.
Client found NOT GUILTY in assault case
19 years of age with no prior criminal history, Mr. Mallis’s client was charged aggravated assault where he faced up to seven years of incarceration. Prior to trial, the government offered Mr. Mallis’s client a plea deal of 2.5 to 5 years’ imprisonment. Mr. Mallis and his client rejected the offer and took the matter through a jury trial. Mr. Mallis was able to successfully show that his client acted in SELF-DEFENSE at the time of the incident. After a four-day trial, the jury agreed and found Mr. Mallis’s client NOT GUILTY of ALL charges. Mr. Mallis’s client walked free without any jail time.
Vehicular Homicide Charge DISMISSED at preliminary hearing
Mr. Mallis’s client was charged with committing a homicide by vehicle offense in which the government claimed that Mr. Mallis’s reckless driving caused an accident which resulted in death. Facing a mandatory minimum jail sentence of 3-6 years, Mr. Mallis fought vigorously for his client, and he was able to show that his client’s driving was not the actual cause of the accident while resulted in death. Rather, Mr. Mallis was able to show that his client’s vehicle had a mechanical defect which caused his client to lose control of the vehicle thereby getting into an accident. Because there was no causal link between Mr. Mallis’s client’s driving behavior and the accident which resulted in death, the Court dismissed all charges against Mr. Mallis’s client at the preliminary hearing level.
3rd Offense DUI charge: NOT GUILTY
Standing charged before the Court with a third-offense DUI, Mr. Mallis’s client was faced with a mandatory minimum jail sentence of one-year. The defense? His client was not driving. Having been seated in a parked, stationary vehicle which was outside of a local establishment that served alcohol, Mr. Mallis argued before the Court that his client was not in actual physical control of the vehicle at the time of the incident: “Yes, the vehicle’s engine was on. But the car was parked in a parking spot, the lights were off, and the vehicle itself was parked outside of an establishment that served alcohol. There is nothing to suggest that this vehicle was ever driven.” The Court agreed with Mr. Mallis and dismissed all charges against his client.
Child Abuse Investigation Results in NO CHARGES Being Filed
Employed as a teacher for over 10 years, Mr. Mallis’s client was accused of sexual molestation of a student. Police began their investigation after a local report was made through child-line that Mr. Mallis’s client had inappropriate contact with a student under the age of 18. After having hired a private investigator, Mr. Mallis learned that the contact between his client and his client’s student did not begin until AFTER the student was 18 years of age. Further, Mr. Mallis had his client submit to a sexual history polygraph examination which indicated no deceit or deception on the part of his client. After a ten-month long investigation, Mr. Mallis was able to persuade the police that their investigation was misled from the start and that there was no wrongdoing on his client’s part. The police agreed and closed their investigation without having filed any charges.